Every time we open our Bible, we are reminded that Jesus has already saved us from our sins. He gave his life for us and defeated death. He came to earth in order for us to be able to join Him in heaven. Jesus was our atoning sacrifice, our killed and sacrificial lamb on the altar. He has been the fulfillment of God's promise since the beginning of time.
But this isn't the only thing Jesus has done for us. He died for our sins as well as the sins of the entire world (though, He is sinless). We are under the curse of sin because of Adam, yet we are redeemed because of Christ, according to the Bible. We are sinners by nature, but because of Christ's grace, we have been set free from our sinful nature and given a new spirit.
It’s difficult to grasp what God meant when He said that we would die in sin and live with Christ, but God wants us to realize that we shall have a new life through Him. Because we were imputed with sin by Adam, we are totally clothed in Christ’s righteousness. Jesus took on our wickedness so that we could take on His righteousness.
We're all sinners, and we all think we're the worst. Our flesh craves sin and desires to rule our lives in order to fulfill that need. We are the worst, and we must understand that we are punishable and deserving of God's wrath. We are all born with a sinful nature, and our deepest desires aim to satisfy a desire for evil solely.
As a result, we must understand that Jesus died not only for our sins, but also for the sins of the entire world. Jesus not only defeated sin and death, but He also defeated and rebuilt humanity's relationship with God. We have been set free from Adam's wicked captivity, and our relationship with the living God has been restored. By Christ's death, it has transformed us from Adam's sinful race to Christ's entirely righteous and pure race. We are then recognized in Christ and cut off from our connection to the first creation as a result of this identification (the old sinful nature), the curse of law, and everything else that binds us to our sinful nature and condemns us to an eternity of punishment.
Furthermore, we must never forget that we are already free from sin and alive in Christ. That is to say, our sinful nature has already died, and we are now united to the life Christ has won for us. We have been living in our new life, which is bestowed by God’s grace, since we died to our old selves. However, just because we died to sin does not mean that our desire to sin has vanished. These desires will resurface in our new existence at some point. It will always want to take victory over death lives in Christ in order for us to live by it once more. However, Christ has given us the ability to resist and flee from evil. He has given us the Scriptures to help us resist these desires and to remind us that we are already in Him and that He is in us.
As a result, we must never lose sight of the fact that we are already dead to sin and alive in Christ. We, too, were crucified with Christ, and it is He, not we, who lives. Allowing our old selves to slip back in is not an option, so we must meditate on and use His Word as a compass. May we always be grateful to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us. We must put Christ's new life to good use for the benefit of His glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.
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